Agricultural Products
“The number of agriculture products provided by Agro Thai in terms of R&D or cultivation is growing each year”
Agro Thai provides R&D, cultivation, aggregation, storage, warehousing and processing for the following crops:
- Mung Beans
- Corn
- Rice
- Sugar Cane
- Soybean
Mung Beans
We have years of experience in the R&D of mung bean varietals. Our focus is on increasing yield, consistency and pest resistance. Our latest farming methods have become far more sustainable with the introduction of 21st century cultivation practice. The success of our mung bean projects has made us one of the largest cultivator, processor and exporter of mung beans in the country.
We have developed our organic fertilisers to increase crop size and yield. This process is on-going and we look forward to improve our results even further.
Soya Bean
We apply similar practice of our mung beans to our soya beans. The improvements have similar percentages to what we are witnessing with our mung bean program. Soil prepartation, pest control, growing methodology and our in-house fertiliser solutions have been highly successful for our soya bean program.
Our research has focused on better water management to drastically reduce the amount of water used in our rice cultivation. This has also meant the training of our growers to more up-to-date farming methods. Organic solutions for pest control has been central to the quality of the rice that we are producing. As a result, the yield from our farming methods have also increased substantially.
Sugar Cane
Our R&D for sugarcane has resulted in higher sugar content, with faster growing and noticeably larger plants. The results of this is being expanded for repetition in larger areas.